Muralazos is the murals platform co-created with communities in 5 Latin American countries.

Discover visual artistic expression to inspire, activate and sustain the practice of behaviors related to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in communities and schools in the region. 






Why Murals?

Many times people know that it is necessary to practice something but we forget it. We may know why it is important, but we need something to motivate us to practice it, perhaps a reminder or an experience. 

The murals come as a response to this situation.

Communities co-create these murals with, by, and for themselves as unique and original reminders to practice key water behaviors around sanitation and hygiene (WASH). These co-creations reflect the communities' commitment to WASH challenges and solutions at the household, school and municipal levels.

Art comes as a universal language to add from the aesthetic.

The murals demonstrate the importance of creative processes that fall under the Social Art for Behaviour Change (SABC ™) approach of One Drop Foundation. 

Who participates in the Murals?

The SABC activities mobilize the participants and facilitate the leadership and empowerment of each one of them, turning them into protagonists of their own change.

The murals process of co-creation, using different artistic techniques, actively involves the communities:

  • People from all ages
  • Leaders
  • Artists
  • Allies, key actors and leaders of change
  • Local governments
  • Founding and executing partners

Who else can use this Platform?

Muralazos is also a tool to inspire the replication of these processes in other communities.

Therefore, artists, leaders of change, key actors (teachers, health technicians and municipal water and sanitation offices, for example), partners and governments who want to replicate creative processes to address WASH practices through murals co-creation in their communities and schools, can make use our resources and downloadable materials available on each mural of this platform.

The co-creation process of these murals allows all designs to be unique and original. Each community vibrates through its mural!

How is the murals co-creation process?

  1. Each mural integrates local cultural references and is deeply rooted in the way of life of the communities.   
  2. These experiences are documented so more people can share, replicate and live the social art experience.
  3. The co-creation of the mural is carried out with the artists, the community and key actors which together participate and get involved in each stage.
  4. The process concludes with a festive inauguration event, where the community, artists, allies, key actors and change agents gather and mobilize to reflect on what each mural addresses, as well as to find actions to continue the practice of important behaviors around WASH.
  5. Each mural is a reminder to practice the behavior and the commitment of all people to uphold it.