Y Kuaa

Lazos de Agua project in 118 communities and 5 small cities in Caaguazú, Concepción, Guairá, Itapúa, Paraguarí, San Pedro, Alto Paraná, Canindeyu and Cordillera departments in Paraguay.

Y Kuaa, means "Knowledge of water" in guaraní. Is executed by Moisés Bertoni Foundation (FMB) and the government agency National Environmental Sanitation Service of Paraguay (Senasa) between August 2017 and December 2022.

In Paraguay:

  • 1 million people (out of 7.3 millones) don't have access to potable water.
  • 30% rural sector don't have water and/or sanitation coverage.
  • 32% of rural households don't have access to drinking water.

Learn how we work in Y Kuaa Project

More than US$30 million contributed by the Program, Fundación Moisés Bertoni (FMB) and the government agency Servicio Nacional de Saneamiento Ambiental de Paraguay (Senasa) have facilitated access to sustainable WASH services to more than 67,000 people in Paraguay as of December 2022.

The Y Kuaa Project helped increased the exercise of healthy practices and strengthened the WASH value chain in the areas intervened in Paraguay through:

  • Infrastructure
  • Organizations strengthening for WASH services provision
  • Social Art for Behavior Change™ (SABC) activities
Customers served! $ 10000000  Total budget (USD)

Achievements as of December 2022 in Y Kuaa:

67,391 people

have received access to water and/or sanitation services (WASH).

57,827 people

have participated in SABC activities.

118 rural communities

and 5 small cities have been benefited.

98 community

water systems have been built or improved

902 women & 609 men

with a high participation of young people, have been trained as Leaders of Change through 148 trainings.

153 replicas

of SABC activities have been performed in communities by Leaders of Change where 9,439 people have participated.

Y Kuaa Project is moving forward with sanitation boards and associations:

More than 3,156 members of the water and sanitation committees from target communities were trained in 119 sessions on formation, administration, financial management and governance, and/or operation and water maintenance, sanitation and/or hygiene systems.

51 SABC activities, have been designed and implemented 347 times to promote the adoption of behaviors such as

  • water fee payment
  • hand washing with soap and water
  • the safe treatment and storage of drinking water at home

These processes involve:

  • Theater plays
  • Co-creation of songs and humorous clips
  • Training workshops for Change Leaders
  • Murals co-creations

Meet Silvana López

Silvana, Marcos Brizuela grandmother, one of the Leaders for Change from the community of Yakare''i 3 Bocas, in Caaguazú department, serves as treasurer of her community's sanitation board, and accompanies the young Leaders for Change in all their training and activities.

“We made a short film in which I played the lead role. The theme was water scarcity. I felt very good participating. I like acting because I'm very active. I always work with young people, whether in the chapel as a catechist, in the farmers' organizations, or in the agro-ecological networks where we prepare food and farm products. I also educate my companions.” expressed Silvana.

She also points out the importance of mothers accessing training and carrying out activities such as those promoted by the SABC approach. 

“Sometimes, many mothers are interested and want to help their family grow financially but, not having the tools, they are unable to do so because they don't know how to”, explained Silvana

Empowerment and self-sufficiency in Paraguayan communities:

A·B·C for Sustainability in Y Kuaa project

Access Component Goals:

  • Connect 10,488 households (aprox. 52,440 people) in 105 rural communities, to a new or upgraded piped water system, which provides water for consumption.
  • Connect 3,933 households (aprox. 19,660 people) in 4 small cities, to a new sewer system.

In addition to infrastructure development, this component includes the creation and strengthening of community water and sanitation committees and the promotion of women's leadership.

Y Kuaa Project's SABC activities inspire and activate the adoption of the following behaviors and sustain their practice:

  • Properly store and treat water in the home.
  • Wash hands with soap and water at key times: before eating, before preparing food and after using the toilet.
  • Pay water service fee.
  • Connect to the sewage system.

In Component B of Y Kuaa Project, these artists' groups collaborate:

Jakairá, Asociación Tierra Nuestra, Asociación Cultural Crear en Libertad, Porandu and Tekoha Audiovisual.

The Capital Component objectives:

  • Develop solutions tailored to the local socioeconomic context to improve access to water, sanitation and/or hygiene and strengthen local enterprises in the WASH sector.

Component C is supported by Fundación Capital and is financed by Programa de Reducción de la Pobreza del Fondo Especial Japonés del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, BID Lab and Cooperación Española.

Meet Pablo Báez

Pablo is a young man from Caaguazú department who was able to finish his high school studies, and became a teacher and leader in his community, helping to improve access to WASH in the district of Yhu.

Pablo began training at FMB and SENASA workshops, and together with others learned about community organization, water quality and financial management of a sanitation board (or water committee).

Today Pablo serves as secretary of the Ybyracatu Sanitation Board and president of the Yhu Water Service Providers Association, where he is a founding member.

In 2021, within the framework of Lazos de Agua Y Kuaa project, the virtual launch of the strategy for strengthening the water, sanitation and/or hygiene (WASH) value chain was carried out in the cities of Fram and Capitán Miranda, in Itapúa department, as well as in the city of Iturbe, in Guairá department.

Find out more news about the Y Kuaa Project:
