The Cerro Rokē Mural in Cerro Rokē, Sapucái, Paraguarí, Paraguay, honors ancient customs and experiences of community members, which actively participated in the process of creating this mural.

Cerro Rokē Mural description

The Leaders of Change chose the iconic "filly" as the protagonist of this mural design, as locality symbol they are most proud of; it is a tribute to the women who used to go around the community selling consumer products. The technique used for its elaboration was sgraffito.

Cerro Rokē, is one of the most emblematic areas of the city of Sapucái, since this is one of the communities that, due to its geography, natural and historical wealth, identifies the city and the department. Located approximately 2 kilometres from the city, its history develops along with the hill itself from which it takes its name.

The population is dedicated to family farming and the small-scale commercialization of agricultural products such as pineapples, a very characteristic crop inthe area. The prominence of women in the work of street vending, known as "filly" (burreritas), is one of the elements they are most proud of.

Cerro Roké Mural

The road known as Tape boli, built by former Bolivian prisoners of war during the Chaco war, is also a representative symbol that lives in the memory and stories of the old and young of this place, which is now a very popular site for tourists.

The work of Leaders of Change was very important for them to obtain services such as electricity, drinking water, improvements and maintenance of local roads and the development of projects through producers' committees.

During the development of the sessions, it has been shown that the participants have a sensitivity for grapho-plastic expressions and skills related to plastic arts such as drawing and painting, which becomes an opportunity for them to develop their skills in the language of muralism as a public art.

Mural Cerro Roke – Cerro Rokĕ. Sapucái, Paraguarí, Paraguay

Process of co-creation and implementation of the mural:

The collectively created mural in Cerro Rokē, municipality of Sapucái, department of Paraguarí, was built collaboratively with Leaders of Change and teachers who participated from the design stage to its inauguration, with the objective that women and mothers learn and practice proper hand washing with soap and water through an image that represents the community and the local culture, thus also contributing to the sustainability of water and sanitation systems.

Cerro Rokē Mural inauguration

The Cerro Rokē community, in Sapucái, department of Paraguarí, dressed up to celebrate the inauguration of the collectively created mural that children, youth and adults built to give life to a new community space. The event took place on Friday, November 27, 2020.

The objective was to open the monument that they built collectively from cultural and contextual elements and that mainly addresses the correct washing of hands with soap and water. During the event, people talked and reflected on what they learned during the process and on the importance of maintaining the practice at school and at home. The mural is a reminder of hand washing with soap and water, which also contributes to the sustainability of the community's water and sanitation systems.

A·B·C for Sustainability interaction 

Cerro Rokē Mural Component A:

  • The water system received through the project improves the plumbing system, excavation of another well for water supply, tank improvement and construction of toilets and hand washing basins.
  • 110 families benefit from a water service in their homes.
  • The Sanitation Board was trained in 2019 in technical aspects such as financial management, water quality, plumbing and electricity, as well as community water management in order to improve the water service.

Cerro Rokē Mural Component B:

  • Students and teachers from the community participated in a play about hand washing with soap and water, in this process they recognized the relevance and the need to engage as Leaders of Change to mobilize more people around this practice through the mural.
  • 20 Leaders of Change participated in the co-creation of the mural to motivate and sustain the practice of hand-washing with soap and water.
  • Leaders of Change mobilize the community to care, maintain, and improve the mural space.

Activity to replicate in your community

The Cerro Rokē Mural is charged with fun for you and your family, inviting you to reflect on hand washing. Take action with the video "Lavado de manos con agua y jabón", which shows the importance of proper hand washing at key moments to protect yourself from viruses.

Interesting facts about the creation of this mural

In the years of economic splendor of the city, when the railroad workshop was in operation, more than 30 folkloric little donkeys used to go around the town. "In front of the various warehouses that existed, the "burritos" were always seen.

The greatest concentration of "filly" was in the market, which unfortunately no longer functions today," said Professor Martha Ruiz Díaz, local cultural manager. The mural pays tribute to these hard-working women who are still recognized in the community today. 

Credits and acknowledgments

Special thanks to all the people who participated in the co-creation of Cerro Rokē Mural.

Artists: Jakaira social art group, Tetãguã muralists network.
Community members: Cerro Rokĕ. Sapucái, Paraguarí, Paraguay.

Water Committee members: National Environmental Sanitation Service (SENASA), Moisés Bertoni Foundation, One Drop.

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