Quiché Program

Lazos de Agua project in Guatemala and successfully closed its operations in December 2020.

The Quiché Program was implemented by Water For People between May 2015 and December 2020 in the municipalities of San Andrés Sajcabajá, San Antonio Ilotenango, San Bartolomé Jocotenango and Santa Cruz del Quiché in Quiché department.

In Guatemala:

  • More than 3 millions of people (out of 17,109,746) don't have access to potable water.
  • 858,586 households don't have drinking water service.
  • More than 1,100 children die each year from gastrointestinal diseases and diarrhea caused by limited access to safe drinking water.
  • 30% of rural population don't have access to any type of sanitation services.

Meet Saqueo Melchor Cor Vicente

Saqueo, a 17-year-old, lives with his mother, father, and younger brother in Guatemala where he studies Business Administration.

He has participated in workshops about water, recreation, and creativity for young people. Because of his experience he was selected to become a Leader of Change. He realized his potential to reach out to others, manage groups and promote change within the community.

“I won't be able to change the whole world, but I know I can change 1% of the world for the San Antonio environment”, expressed Saqueo Melchor Cor Vicente.

With almost US$10 million contributed by the Program, the communities, the local government, and Water For People, we contributed to improving the life quality of 40,002 people through infrastructure and organizations strengthening for WASH services provision, and SABC activities that increased the exercise of healthy practices.

In Quiché Program we increase the exercise of healthy practices and the strengthening of the WASH value chain in the areas intervened in Guatemala through:

  • Infrastructure
  • Strengthening of organizations for WASH services provision
  • Social Art for Behavior Change™ (SABC) activities
Customers served! $ 1000000 Total budget (USD)

Learn about our achievements in Quiché Project

At the Quiché Project closing in December 2020:

More than 40,000 people

have received access to water and/or sanitation services (WASH).

More than 81,000 people

have participated in SABC activities, led by groups of artists and Leaders of Change.

More than 126,000 dollars

have been granted in loans to microfinance institutions.

68 communities

have participated in Quiché Program.

More than 43,500 people

se han beneficiado de instalaciones de lavado de manos nuevas o mejoradas en escuelas y centros de salud.

11,800 people

have benefited from new or improved community and household sanitation systems.

314 members

from 62 water committees were trained in the formation, administration, financial management, and governance.

84 Leaders of Change have been trained, creating 80 replicas of SABC activities in their communities, where more than 5,500 people have participated, promoting the adoption of behaviours such as:

  • pay the water fee
  • hand-washing with water and soap
  • the safe treatment and storage of drinking water in the home 

These processes involve:

  • Theater plays
  • Songs and humor clips co-creation
  • Training workshops for Leaders of Change
  • Murals co-creation

Successful closing of
Quiché Project in Guatemala

Learn more about this project, completed in December 2020, which reached 3,000 more beneficiaries than expected.

A·B·C for Sustainability in Quiché Program

Access Component Goals:

  • Benefit a group target through new or rehabilitated drinking water and sanitation services.
  • Strengthen the community organization capacity and other institutions, to provide these services.

In addition to infrastructure development, this component includes the creation and strengthening of community water and sanitation committees and the promotion of women's leadership.

The SABC activities of Quiché Project inspire and activate the adoption of the following behaviours and sustain their practice:

  • Wash hands with soap and water at key times: before eating, before preparing food, and after using the toilet.
  • Pay the water service fee.
  • Build a toilet for each home.

The groups of artists in Component B are Asociación Teatro de Títeres Armadillo and Caja Lúdica.

The Capital Component, in synergy with the other components, promotes the local economy by strengthening the local WASH value chain:

  • Support the financial products development for the WASH sector.
  • Strengthen the WASH goods supply chain and services.
  • Facilitate the creation of market solutions tailored to local conditions.
  • Increase the access rate to WASH services.

Some of the key collaborators in Component C are the micro-finance institutions Maya Versátil and Red de Instituciones de Microfinanzas de Guatemala (Redimif).

The Quiché Program has additional funding from the Prince Albert of Monaco II Foundation.

Get to know Baltazar's story

Baltazar studies at the Paquix school that houses the mural referring to hand washing, where his sister also studies, and his parents are teachers. Baltazar has a very close relationship with his grandparents, who tell him stories that teach him useful lessons for his daily life, and help him to mix his perception of the mural meaning.

Baltazar participated in this art piece creation guided by the Armadillo art group, a Lazos de Agua collaborator, and by his teachers. Baltazar likes his school with the mural because its colors inspire him; the green makes him think of the trees and the source of water, which is life. In addition, he finds that having worked in community is one of the important elements of this work:

Webinar: Facilitating Sustainable Access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Rural Guatemala

On December 3, 2020, Lazos de Agua founding partners (the Inter-American Development Bank, The Coca-Cola foundation, FEMSA Foundation, and One Drop Foundation), Water For People (implementing partner and co-founder of the Quiché Program), and other project stakeholders, discussed key points for the implementation of water, sanitation and/or hygiene (WASH) projects and the implementation of Lazos de Agua initiative in Guatemala.

Find out more news from Quiché Program:
