In Latin America and the Caribbean,

1 in 4 PEOPLE

lack access to safely managed drinking water.

 More than 50% of the population

      does not have access to safely managed sanitation services.

And why this water crisis 
if the Latin American region has the highest per capita availability
of freshwater?

Water crisis in Latin America

These are some of the answers:

Wastewater treatment - Water crisis

Wastewater treatment

Human contamination - Water crisis

Human contamination

Droughts - Water crisis


Climate change - Water crisis

Climate change

Oil spills - Water crisis

Oil spills

Industrial agriculture waste - Water crisis

Industrial agriculture waste

niño se lava las manos, acceso a agua, lazos de agua, crisis del agua, water crisis

Why is this important? Because...

  • Every year, 26% of children's deaths under 5 years of age in Latin America are due to diseases caused by poor sanitation or unsafe water.
  • Currently, only 20% of Latin America's wastewater is treated.
  • A girl's school day in a developed country is equal to the time a girl spends bringing water to her family in many parts of Latin America, Africa and Asia.
mujeres, acceso, lazos de agua, crisis del agua, proyecto quiché, water crisis
  • Women's participation in water-related decision-making processes remains extremely low.
  • In households without safe drinking water, many children help their mothers fetch water. In Latin America, this is also a children's crisis.
  • Worldwide, it is estimated that women spend more than 200 million hours a day in search of safe water.

In the Lazos de Agua Program, we are committed to changing this reality about the water crisis

“A drop of water, a simple drop of water, is enough to harbor hope for life”. 
José Maria Montero Sandoval, 
Journalist specialized in environmental information and scientific dissemination.

And we are achieving this with multi-sector collaboration and in alliance with our strategic allies and partners

Founding Partners

One Drop - Water Crisis
BID - Water crisis

Implementation and Government Partners

Water for People - Guatemala
Water Aid
Living Water International
Conagua - Comisión Nacional del Agua
Comisión Estatal del Agua | Gobierno del Estado de Guanajuato
Fundación Plan Internacional
Fundación Moisés Bertoni
Servicio Nacional de Saneamiento Ambiental
acceso, infraestructura de agua, lazos de agua, water crisis

These are some of our results as of December 2022

Customers served! 220000 people 

have benefited from water and/or sanitation infrastructure.

(118% of our final goal for Phase 1)

titiriteras, guanajuato, lazos de agua SABC, water crisis
Customers served! 220000 people 

have participated in a Social Art for Behaviour Change (SABC) activities.

(132% of our final goal)

capacitacion comités de agua, lazos de agua, convidarte, water crisis
Customers served! 220000 water committees

have been trained in technical and management issues.

(109% of our final goal)

A·B·C Model for Sustainability

Thanks to the A·B·for SustainabilityTM  model from One Drop Foundation, Lazos de Agua Program has achieved excellent results in project implementation. The key?

The communities at the center

The communities at the center

Multi-sectoral collaboration

Multi-sectoral collaboration

Sustainability through innovation

Sustainability through innovation
