We have surpassed
our goal of



benefited with sustainable access to water, sanitation and/or hygiene by December 2022.

Our impact is measured beyond the numbers

Our operations achieve sustainability through social innovation and the power of art, co-creating in each country, hand in hand with our partners, with the communities, by them, and for them, solutions around Water, Sanitation and/or Hygiene (WASH).

We have completed 118% of our goals in Latin America

Our results as of December 31, 2022

People who have benefited from WASH infrastructure


People who have participated in SABC activities


People who have benefited from WASH infrastructure and have taken part in SABC activities


Water Committees trained out of a total goal of 293
Customers served! 300  Water Committees trained out of a total goal of 293
WASH Institutions supported out of a total target of 88
Customers served! 300  WASH Institutions supported out of a total target of 88
Microcredits and direct support to MSMEs out of a total target of 1,570
Customers served! 300  Microcredits and direct support to MSMEs out of a total target of 1,570

Building infrastructure is not enough. 

The key to sustainability is the synergy of components A, B and C and the systemic collaboration of different sectors.

Multisectoral Collaboration has been key to keeping our goals steady in difficult times.

Despite the challenges brought by COVID-19 in all countries, key measures have been implemented to mitigate its impact on the Program. In addition to extreme weather events and coordination difficulties in such complex times, the Program is on track to achieve its expected results by the end of 2022.

Clean water and sanitation solutions - Our Results
Clean water and sanitation solutions - Our Results
Clean water and sanitation solutions - Our Results

Beyond implementation partners

The Program also positively impacts local artists, educators and community leaders who become Leaders of Change in their communities, and through the development of flexible capital access solutions that foster the local economy.

Clean water and sanitation solutions - Our Results
Clean water and sanitation solutions - Our Results
Clean water and sanitation solutions - Our Results
Clean water and sanitation solutions - Our Results
Clean water and sanitation solutions - Our Results
Clean water and sanitation solutions - Our Results

Social Art for Behaviour ChangeTM (SABC)
as seen by its protagonists

Discover our interactive dashboard to learn about the experience and effects, both immediate and long-term, that some of the members of the Lazos de Agua Program have experienced after participating in the SABC activities of the systemic model.

Using a specific methodology, the implementing partners conducted these interviews in the form of conversations, which show the impact at the individual and community level of the SABC approach processes, a fundamental pillar for the implementation of Lazos de Agua. Clean water and sanitation solutions.

The Social Art for Behavior Change (SABC) as seen by its protagonists

Successful closing of the
Quiché Program in Guatemala

Learn more about this project, concluded in December 2020, where we reached 3.000 beneficiaries more than expected.

Giving back to the community

The book "Historias de Agua" from the Mexico project,

Available as an audiobook in Spanish (second edition), brings together stories from participants, community theater scripts, audio, and much more.

Clean water and sanitation solutions

Results of Social Art for Behaviour Change implementation in the Lazos de Agua Program from 2016 to 2022:

Clean water and sanitation solutions - Our Results

62% increase

in the practice of hand-washing with soap and water at critical moments

Clean water and sanitation solutions - Our Results

85% increase

in the proper payment of water service fees

Clean water and sanitation solutions - Our Results

62% increase

in safely managed household drinking water service levels in the treatment of drinking water at home

Clean water and sanitation solutions - Our Results

65% increase

in safely managed sanitation service levels in households
