Nicaragua Rural

Lazos de Agua Project in Nicaragua

Nicaragua Rural was implemented by WaterAid America from June 2017 to June 2022 in 33 communities in the municipalities of Waslala, Waspam and Puerto Cabezas.

In Nicaragua:

  • 1.6 million people (out of 6.5 million) don't have access to sanitation.
  • 31% of the population in rural areas don't have access to drinking water.
  • 1,079,000 of people don't have access to clean and safe water.

Those who suffer most from the impact of water and sanitation scarcity are women. They bear the traditional responsibility in the family for use and administration of the resources, and are in charge of the primary needs of the family nucleus: the collection, provision and management of water in domestic spaces.

Learn how we work in Nicaragua Rural Project:

Nearly US$7.7 million contributed by the Program, the communities, local governments and WaterAid America, have facilitated sustainable access to WASH services to 23,531 people in the municipalities of Waslala, Waspam and Puerto Cabezas.

Through the Nicaragua Rural Project, we increased the exercise of healthy practices and the strengthening of the WASH value chain in the areas intervened through:

  • Infrastructure
  • Strengthening of organizations for the provision of WASH services
  • Social Art for Behavior Change™ (SABC) activities
Customers served! $ 1000000 Total budget (USD)

Achievements as of December 2022 in Nicaragua Rural:

23,531 peple

have received access to water and/or sanitation services (WASH).

20,904 people

have participated in SABC activities.

33 communities

from rural areas have been benefited.

113 women & 80 men

have been trained as leaders of change, surpassing the final goal of the project.

383 replicas

of SABC activities have been carried out in communities by Leaders of Change in which 5,804 people have participated.

527 systems

of drinking water, and 760 sanitation facilities have been built or improved for communities, families, schools and health centers.

56 local providers have been supported from the WASH service sector through  32 activities that include:

Training in technical issues, financial management, sales, and customer service.

Specialized technical support.

41 SABC activitieshave been designed and implemented 117 times to promote the adoption of behaviours such as:

  • water fee payment
  • hand washing with soap and water
  • the safe treatment and storage of drinking water at home

These processes involve:

  • Theater plays
  • Co-creation of songs and humorous clips
  • Training workshops for Change Leaders
  • Murals co-creations

Get to know Rufina's story:

Rufinia Breakstone is 42 years old, lives in the community of Wawa Bar, an indigenous territory, and participates in the Nicaragua Rural project.

She and her two daughters now have access to clean water, and a toilet in their residence.

Rufina also learned how to install rainwater harvesting systems and toilets, and now serves as treasurer of her community's drinking water and sanitation committee.

Learn Leonzo López Bordas’s story

Leonzo López Bordas was an outstanding leader who motivated the community participation in the CAPS, to make arrangements with different organizations that would allow the reestablishment of access to drinking water service that had been destroyed in 2007 after Hurricane Felix, in the community of San Pablo.

During his administration, the gravity mini-aqueduct was inaugurated in 2021, providing 107 families with access to the vital liquid.

“We are happy to have won first place. For us it is a recognition of our efforts as a committee to promote access to drinking water. It is also a commitment we have made with God's grace.”, expressed Leonzo.

A·B·C for Sustainability in Nicaragua Rural

Access Component Goals:

  • Build 24 and improve 4 community water systems
  • Build 400 family's or individual water systems
  • Improve WASH services in 31 schools and 7 health centers
  • Build 1,500 sanitary solutions, sanitary solutions, such as toilets or latrines, along with a hand-washing station

In addition to infrastructure development, this component includes the creation and strengthening of community water and sanitation committees and the promotion of women's leadership.

Nicaragua Rural's SABC activities inspire and activate the adoption of the following behaviors and sustain their practice:

  • Treating and safely storing water in the home.
  • Wash hands with soap and water at important times: before eating, before preparing food and after using the toilet.
  • Pay the water service fee.

In Component B, the following artists groups have participated:

Mujeres Creativas Lapta Yula, Teatro de Marionetas Traca Traca, Grupo de Teatro El Bosque, Fundación de Apoyo al Arte Creador Infantil – Funarte, Zankistas Fuego y Son, Cooperativa de Arte CEIBO R.L and artists Andres Cox, Cristopher Mendoza Girón and Paulino Frens

The Capital Component objectives:

  • Support the development of financial WASH products.
  • Strengthen the WASH supply chain for goods and services.
  • Facilitate the creation of market solutions tailored to local conditions.
  • Increase the access to WASH services.

Pana Pana in Puerto Cabezas and Waspam, Cooperativa Caja Rural Mano a Mano, and Fundenuse in Waslala collaborate in Component C actions.

Meet Migdalia Rodríguez

60-year-old leader in Waslala, mother of six children and currently president of the Water and Sanitation Committees (CAPS).

During this process we were working empirically without any guidance from the institutions working on social projects. Later, we were invited to participate in the training program developed by Fundación Madre Tierra in coordination with WaterAid. These trainings have been a great benefit to us, since through this process ,we have improved in aspects such as the reduction of the delay in the water payment service by the users.

I consider the training process has facilitated the community organization, the integration of beneficiary families in the activities, and meetings convened by the CAPS has been retaken from the Water Committee.” exoressed Migdalia.

Find out more news about the Nicaragua Rural Project:
