Video: “Agua y Juventud” – First National WASH Forum of Agents of Change


In the context of World Water Day, the Y Kuaa project of the Lazos de Agua programme, implemented by SENASA and the Moisés Bertoni Foundation, held the first National Forum of Agents of Change "Agua Y Juventud", in the Marianela complex in Atyrá, Paraguay.

On the occasion, youth from more than 20 communities in Paraguay, from the departments of Guairá, San Pedro, Caaguazú, Itapuá, Concepción, Canindeyú and Misiones met with authorities from the water, sanitation and hygiene sector (WASH), in order to draw lines of action to address the major challenges of the sector.

This forum was a space to make WASH change agents linked to sanitation boards visible as key actors for the sustainability of water systems and the practice of key behaviours. From now on, the communities will be accompanied to begin the process of implementing the actions proposed in this space.

Key details:

Y Kuaa is an initiative of Lazos de Agua, a programme of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), The Coca-Cola Foundation, FEMSA Foundation and One Drop Foundation. It is part of the government's programme to improve, through Social Art for Behaviour Change (SABC), the sustainability of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure.

Y Kuaa is implemented based on One Drop's A·B·C for Sustainability model and SABC approach. Find out more about Y Kuaa here.

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