The Palmillas Mural is built on one of the walls of the school in the community of Palmillas, in the municipality of Victoria, Guanajuato.

Description of the Palmillas Mural

Among the elements that stand out in the mural, based on what people highlighted as significant for them, are the following: children as a symbol of the community and a driving force for community participation; the well as a source of water supply for the community.

This mural is located in the community's primary school, so teachers, students and parents participated in its creation.

Mural Palmillas

The construction of this mural was carried out with the participation of adults and youth Agents of Change.

Process of co-creation and implementation of the mural:

The process of collective creation of the mural with the community of Palmillas was done with the participation of the people, especially men and women heads of household, who discussed about the proper payment of the water service fee. During these workshops, they made drawings from which different elements were taken for the construction of the final sketch, which was implemented in the mural through the mosaic technique.

In addition, children and teachers from the Niños Héroes Federal Rural Primary School participated, highlighting the importance of participation to ensure the sustainability of the service through the payment of the tariff.

The mural is part of the Social Art for Behaviour Change™ (SABC) interventions of the Lazos de Agua initiative in Mexico.

Mural Palmillas

Inauguration of the Palmillas Mural

The process of participatory creation and implementation of the mural culminated in an inauguration event attended by 80 community members and participants, including members of the water committees.

During the inauguration, the mural team and the promoter of Social Art for Behaviour Change facilitated a space for reflection and dialogue around the proper payment of the water service fee, which the participants recognised as one of the key actions to maintain their water system in optimal conditions that guarantee access to water for the whole community.

Finally, a meal made by the people of the community was offered to celebrate the inauguration of the mural.

A·B·C for Sustainability interaction 


  • Through the Guanajuato State Water Commission (CEAG), the drinking water system, line, tank and distribution networks for the communities of Palmillas and Estancia de Abajo were built.
  • The water infrastructure work benefited 607 inhabitants of Palmillas.
  • In addition, 4 members of the water committee were trained.


  • Five SABC interventions have taken place in Palmillas: 3 plays, "La Divina Garza Enjabonada" focused on the proper payment of the water service fee; "El Bandido Escurridizo" which addresses hand washing at 3 key moments and "Sueño de una tarde en Guanajuato", which talks about the importance of disinfection and proper storage of drinking water at home; 1 creative drama workshop; 1 mosaic mural workshop; 1 intervention for the dissemination of SABC tools that included the screening of short films made in other communities that are part of the Lazos de Agua Guanajuato Project. 
  • The co-creation of the mosaic mural involved 388 people including Agents of Change as well as members of the water committee.
  • Over the course of all SABC interventions, a total of 607 people have been recruited.

Activity to replicate in your community

This activity corner is loaded with fun for you and your loved ones, starting with the "Palmillas" Mural, which invites you to think and act about paying your water bill properly. Take action with the short film "What's the worst that could happen?" (in Spanish), which addresses the importance of washing hands with soap and water at key moments: before cooking, before eating and after using the toilet. Keep learning!

Fun facts about the creation of this mural

  • Prior to the name Palmillas, locals say, the village was known as "Las tres zorras", later changed to "Palmillas" due to the proliferation of palm trees.

Credits and acknowledgements

Special thanks to all the people who participated in the co-creation of the Palmillas Mural.

Promoting behaviour change and strengthening the WASH sector in the state of Guanajuato, also known as the Guanajuato Project, is part of the Lazos de Agua Program, implemented by Living Water International A.C. This organisation, together with Pablo Durán, led the intervention of the Palmillas Mural as part of the activities of the Social Art for Behaviour Change approach of the One Drop Foundation.

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