


Lazos de Agua Phase I Culmination Event

México, November 28-29, 2022

Welcome to the Event Page!

To look back on these past years and to acknowledge the efforts of everyone in the success of the Lazos de Agua Program, we gathered in the Riviera Maya at the end of November 2022 to celebrate, harvest and capitalise the journey, the learning and the results.

On this page you will find all the resources from the event, as well as tools you can use.


The Event in Images

Creative Expression of Lazos de Agua

Plurality of Voices

One of the greatest strengths of this multi-sectoral Program lies in the plurality of voices that converged to improve the quality of life of more than 230,000 people in remote and vulnerable areas of Latin America.

The Agents of Change gallery is just a glimpse of the thousands of real stories, of the faces of community members who joined this multi-sectoral collaborative effort with governments, private and public companies, NGOs, multilateral funds, artists, among others, to experience transformational processes and become actors of their own change through social art, and to achieve access to water and sanitation for themselves and their communities.

Lazos and Voices Panel

Discussion with experts from the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene sector to contribute to the achievement of SDG 6, Water and Sanitation for all people in the Latin American region.

(Only available in Spanish)

The Voices of Lazos Documentary

Celebrating this plurality of voices, we developed the documentary "The Voices of Lazos", in which we interviewed many of the people who made the Lazos de Agua Program possible.

Find on the right the extended version (18 minutes), screened during the event, and below, the fragments of the documentary.

(Only available in Spanish)

Parte 1: El valor del agua para múltiples actores de Lazos de Agua (5 minutos)

Parte 2: El valor del Arte Social (6 minutos)

Parte 3: Buscando la sostenibilidad con las comunidades en América Latina (3 minutos)

Parte 4: Llamada a la acción del Programa Lazos de Agua (4 minutos)


Throughout six (6) years, many goals have been met, many mistakes have been made and many results have been obtained. For this reason, we have developed these navigable Timelines in close collaboration between the One Drop Foundation, Strategic Implementing Partner of the Programme, and the Implementing Partners in each country, Living Water International for Mexico, Water for People for Guatemala, Water Aid for Nicaragua, Fundación Plan for Colombia and Fundación Moisés Bertoni for Paraguay.

In them you will discover the stories behind each project and you will have at hand the most valuable legacy for future water, sanitation and hygiene projects.

(Only available in Spanish).

Program Toolbox

This is one of the main digital and knowledge repositories of the Program and its projects.

What do I find here? You will find knowledge and communication products such as case studies, articles, songs, videos, demos, magazines, among others.

How do I get there? In the menu of the Lazos de Agua page, go to Resources and click on Toolbox.

What did we learn?

(Only available in Spanish)

Co-creating the song "Unidos Por El Agua" 

From all the reflections and experiences lived during the two days of the event, but also and above all from the experiences of the last 6 years of the programme, the members of the programme were invited to participate in the co-creation of an artistic product.

In collaboration with the artist JP from Tumaco, Colombia, the same artist who implemented the song and video clip co-creation processes with participants from the communities of the Convidarte Project (Chucuchu, Al día, etc.), a creative space was opened for the participants to experiment with the Social Art for Behaviour Change approach of the One Drop Foundation.

From this creative experience the song "Unidos por el agua" was born, which reflects the energy, synergy and collective intelligence of the Lazos de Agua Program.


Thank you for being part of this ongoing story.
