
Video description

"Chaguar" is a very popular word in the vocabulary of the Colombian Pacific, meaning to wash, a message that got adolescents between 12 and 15 years old, participants of the ConvidArte Quibdó project, to inspire their communities to practice the behaviour of washing hands before eating as a healthy lifestyle habit.

Featured in the video, tapao, popocho and longaniza are typical products of the gastronomy of the department of Chocó, Colombia.

Key details:

Chaguate! is a co-creation of teenagers Agents of Change, together with the artistic group Dinastía Chocoana.

Social Art for Behaviour Change™ is an approach of the One Drop Foundation.


ConvidArte, implemented by Fundación PLAN, is the Colombia project of Lazos de Agua Program, a regional program of the Inter-American Development Bank, The Coca-Cola Foundation, FEMSA Foundation and One Drop Foundation: © One Drop Foundation. All rights reserved.

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